All-Ireland Coastal Rowing Championships
Entry Form
Click on Button below to download Entry Form
Click here for 2024 Rule Book
Instructions for completing this Entry Form
Please Read before completing the Entry Forms
- Completed All-Ireland Entry Forms are to be sent by E-Mail only.
- Entries sent by post will no longer be accepted.
- Completed form should be saved as a Word Document only including your club’s name in the file name.
- Do not send as a pdf as this creates difficulties copying the information over and may potentially lead to mistakes.
- Save the form as a file ‘All-IreEntry2024 – ’YourClub’ on your computer and complete it ‘On Screen’ and return it by e-mail to .
- We will send you an acknowledgement of receipt by return e-mail.
- If you have any problems Downloading, Completing or Sending in the form, you are welcome to contact me (John Flynn) at (00353) (0)87 9134519 or e-mail me and I will be happy to help you as best I can.
- Should you need to make any alterations to your race or crew line up, you can simply make the necessary adjustments to your own soft copy (electronic), highlighting the amendments and e-mail the amended document direct to me. Again, I will send an acknowledgement.
- In the past, some clubs have sent in revised crew lists up to 5 or 6 times, often several times in the same day. If the status of your crew lists is a fluid situation, please wait until you are satisfied that your list is as close to final as it can be before sending in amendments as it becomes very difficult to keep a track of the latest version, especially when an hour later another amendment arrives in.
- After submission of your original entry form, should you require to make amendments, please highlight them so that they can be easily found.
- On pages 2, 3 & 4, the Race Entry Pages, place an ‘X’ in the relevant boxes for each crew entered and enter the number of crews in each race in the last line.
- There is no limit on the number of crews entered in a race by any club subject to the following conditions:
- In the Ladies’ and Men’s categories, a club cannot enter a second crew in either the Intermediate, Junior, or Senior races unless they have entered at least one crew in the other two races. Similarly, they cannot enter a third crew in one unless they have entered at least two crews in the other two races, and so on.
- If one crew from a club is deemed to have deliberately or negligently committed a foul which benefits another crew from the same club, then both crews will/may be subject to penalty/disqualification.
- As we have no idea of the numbers of entries, we are likely to receive per race, we cannot predict the final race order as we won’t know which races will require Heats and which will be straight finals.
- Therefore, it will not be possible to announce a final Race Running Order until after the Draws which will be held on Friday 9th August next. Suffice to say that every effort will be made to be as fair as possible to as many crews as possible.
- Based on previous experience, the Race Order may be subject to change as a consequence of weather or other unforeseen circumstances outside of our control.
- A typical race running order is provided at the end of this guide.
- Closing Date for Receipt of Entry Forms is Midnight on Wednesday 7th August 2024.
- In the Traditional / Regional / Specialist Boat Races, (Open Classic, Heritage & FISA Races, etc.) the rules applicable to Composite Crew don’t apply.
- For Insurances purposes, all competitors must be registered members of an insured club.
Crew Lists:
- Select the race name from the drop-down menu in the first column, click on the cell and the Drop-Down Menu will appear. Click on the down pointing Arrow and the race options will appear.
- Select the race name from the drop-down menu in the first column, click on the cell and the Drop-Down Menu will appear. Click on the down pointing Arrow and the race options will appear.
- Then scroll through the list and click on the desired race. Repeat for each separate crew.
- Then scroll through the list and click on the desired race. Repeat for each separate crew.
- When a club enters more than one crew in a race, again select the drop-down menu in column 3 and select Crew A or Crew B or C etc. similar to the Race Selection procedure above.
- Clubs are not permitted to allocate their crews to their chosen berths after the draw.
- Crews found to have switched berths will each be disqualified for Gross Misconduct.
- In column 2, ‘Club’ Column, it won’t be necessary to enter your club’s name every time, once is sufficient, and I will fill in the remainder or better still, copy and paste them down the line.
- The numbered positions 1 to 6 on the form have no meaning as regards the crew members positions in the boat, just how many rowers are entered in your crew Panel. Any 4 rowers out of the Panel of 6 can row but it must be borne in mind that the crew that rows in the Heats must row in the Finals unless there is an acceptable reason, ie. Injury to a crew member, in which case the Stewards at the Start Line must be notified in advance.
- In the Celtic Yawl Races (One-Design) Only one Person from each crew can be a Composite Member (from another club), to indicate a Composite Member simply enter the name of the club of which the composite panellist is a member in column 7.
- The Crew Lists for the Celtic Yawl Races can be found starting on page 6.
- The Crew Lists for the Traditional / Regional / Specialist Boat Races can be found starting on page 14.
- Composite Rules don’t apply to the Traditional / Regional / Specialist Races however clubs are reminded that the principle behind Composite Crews.
- Due to the larger crew sizes, it won’t be necessary to provide the crew names in both the Killarney Sixes and the Seine Boats.
Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children in Coastal Rowing
- You only need to complete the Child Welfare section if there are children or young people under the age of 18 competing for your club.
- All Coxswains in charge of Children’s Crews (Crews Under 18 and younger) must have attended a Child Welfare/Safeguarding Course organised and given by a Sport Ireland / Northern Ireland Sports Forum approved body and they must hold a valid and current (in date) certificate. All such Coxswain’s names must be supplied in ‘Child Welfare: Part 1’ section of the form.
- All Coxswains in charge of Children’s Crews (Crews Under 18 and younger) must have been Garda or Access NI vetted & approved.
- Like all large sporting events, photographic images will be taken at the All-Ireland Coastal Rowing Championships. It is recommended that we obtain Parental Consent to publish photographic images where close ups of Children may be used and/or their names given (for example on our website or in the print media).
- At the present time, It is not practical for us to receive individual consent forms from every parent so we are asking each club to obtain such consent from the Parents of their Underage Members and advise us by completing ‘Child Welfare: Part 2’ on the page 22.
- Please note that failure to complete this section will be taken by the ICRF as permission having been refused and photographic images as described above will not be published of any Underage crews from your club.
- There is no issue with the taking and publishing of photographic images of children’s crews where the subject matter is clearly about the sporting action and is not concentrating on, or specifically identifying individuals in the boat and this practice will continue as normal.
- Finally, complete and sign the section at the bottom of page 22 to say who filled out the form and to say that you agree to be bound by the ICRF rules and decisions etc.
Entry Fee Instructions
- Please Read before completing these forms
- Race entry fees of €5.00 per seat per crew (or UK equivalent at the time of payment) are to be paid by electronic funds transfer to:
- Account Name: Irish Coastal Rowing Federation, BIC: AIBKIE2D IBAN: IE78AIBK93432101761099
- Please provide name of club, purpose of fees including number of crews so that the payment can be verified.
- Fees must be paid no later than Thursday 8th August 2024 or the club will not be entered into the draws.